Adventures in Thrift Hunting

Thursday Thrift Adventures

There is something about bargain hunting that brings out joy amongst complete strangers. Frequenting my favorite hunting ground Value Village (where I have indeed been mistaken for an employee on numerous occasions by current employees) I almost always walk out with something that I’ve been thinking about. I guess it’s the saying when you put the thought into the universe you will be rewarded. Although they seem to come in small doses I am very thankful for these amazing ‘happenings.’

Rattan Charger

Back to what I was saying. The bargain “hunter gatherer” in us finds other bargain “hunter gatherers” and with a rush of excitement cheering them on their find. That very thing happened to me. I went to my favorite Value Village revisiting the same shelves for a new surprise. I was so thrilled to find the rattan serving tray I had been eyeing for a week was still there. Not only that a few day prior I had passed on a set of wicker charges to then be surprised with a few that I liked much more.

At the check out I shared my excitement about the serving tray to which the cashier shared in my joy. Exiting with my arms full a gentleman stopped to ask “did you find any bargains?” To which I replied’ “well I actually grabbed this tray I’d been eyeing for a week!” He in astonishment walked closer to say “you mean to tell me you’d been here for a week and it’s still been here?” “Yes!” I replied, “can you believe it?” He shared in my joy, gave me a side hug with praise at my finds and told me he was happy for my find.

I had also spotted this bowl and waited nearly two weeks before giving in.

So yes, I indeed walked out with my arms full but my heart was as well. This was not the first time I was met with that bargain enthusiasm and I am sure it will not be my last.

The Rattan Tray

Happy thrifting!

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